The Ben Simmons Dilemma: Next Moves that NEED to Happen in Philadelphia

In this Podcast I discuss the disappointing play of Ben Simmons in the playoffs, and the next steps the 76ers organization needs to take in order to keep "the process" alive. Enjoy!

Olympic Rivalries Revived and the History of Global Competition

The upcoming 2021 summer Olympic games in Japan has offered the world an opportunity to come together and compete for athletic prowess and pride for their nations. Although these games involve a large number of nations, the global superpowers such as the US, Russia, China, and the United Kingdom seem to stand out the most.... Continue Reading →

Yankees are off to yet Another Disappointing Start

Listen to this week's episode of Quarter Life Crisis with host Cameron Stork as he discusses the reasons for the Yankees slow start. This team was expected to walk away with the division, and almost halfway through the season finds themselves in third place due to a variety of issues.

Is Old the New Young in Sports?

Ageism in Sports By Connor Werrlein The past couple of years have been an insane time in the sports world. The sports world has been overrun by legends having their legacy playoff run or playoff championship victory. This past month Phil Mickelson won the PGA championship, earning himself his sixth major. People might think this... Continue Reading →

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